Love · Grow · Serve
Love · Grow · Serve
Welcome to St. Luke’s Church;
a place of worship, warmth
and hospitality.
St. Luke’s is the Church of England parish church for Moulsham Lodge and Tile Kiln, on the edge of the city of Chelmsford. We aim to love God, each other and the world around us, to grow together as followers of Jesus and to serve our local community.
Whether you come here for a service, event or a visit we can assure you of a warm welcome.
Our clear glass windows are a constant reminder to those inside that their mission is to bring the Gospel to those outside”
John Tiarks, Bishop of Chelmsford speaking at St. Luke’s dedication service in 1962
Welcome to St. Luke’s Church;
a place of worship, warmth and hospitality.
St. Luke’s is the Church of England parish church for Moulsham Lodge and Tile Kiln, on the edge of the city of Chelmsford. We aim to love God, each other and the world around us, to grow together as followers of Jesus and to serve our local community.
Whether you come here for a service, event or a visit we can assure you of a warm welcome.
Our clear glass windows are a constant reminder to those inside that their mission is to bring the Gospel to those outside”
John Tiarks, Bishop of Chelmsford speaking at St. Luke’s dedication service in 1962

In 2023 St Lukes committed to working towards becoming an Eco Church; during our 2024 Harvest service, Bishop Guli, Bishop of Chelmsford, presented us with the Bronze Eco Church award from A ROCHA UK. This recognises the journey we are on, which we have demonstrated by becoming a Fairtrade Place of Worship, participating in the Tearfund ‘Toilet Twinning’ scheme and also in Plantlife’s No Mow May.
You will find regular Eco tips in our newsletters and we are committed to praying for environmental issues. The journey does not stop here as we will now continue towards the Eco Church Silver Award.

In 2023 St Lukes committed to working towards becoming an Eco Church; during our 2024 Harvest service, Bishop Guli, Bishop of Chelmsford, presented us with the Bronze Eco Church award from A ROCHA UK. This recognises the journey we are on, which we have demonstrated by becoming a Fairtrade Place of Worship, participating in the Tearfund ‘Toilet Twinning’ scheme and also in Plantlife’s No Mow May.
You will find regular Eco tips in our newsletters and we are committed to praying for environmental issues. The journey does not stop here as we will now continue towards the Eco Church Silver Award.

St Luke’s has committed to supporting the Mothers’ Union national campaign, RISE UP, to raise awareness, resources, and support for those affected by domestic abuse. The logo for the campaign uses a dove, which is considered a symbol for peace, purity, hope, renewal, transformation and new beginnings which makes it a gentle yet powerful image for those affected by domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families of all backgrounds, causing lasting harm and trauma.
RISE UP is an acronym for Respond, Inform, Support, Empower, Unite and Pray.
For more information about Mothers’ Union “Rise Up Against Domestic Abuse” challenge or their other work, including how to become a member of the movement, please visit their website at

St Luke’s has committed to supporting the Mothers’ Union national campaign, RISE UP, to raise awareness, resources, and support for those affected by domestic abuse. The logo for the campaign uses a dove, which is considered a symbol for peace, purity, hope, renewal, transformation and new beginnings which makes it a gentle yet powerful image for those affected by domestic abuse.
Domestic abuse is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families of all backgrounds, causing lasting harm and trauma.
RISE UP is an acronym for Respond, Inform, Support, Empower, Unite and Pray.
For more information about Mothers’ Union “Rise Up Against Domestic Abuse” challenge or their other work, including how to become a member of the movement, please visit their website at
St Luke’s Roof Project
St Luke’s Roof Project
Large Hall Roof – What is the Problem?
Early in September 2023 we discovered that RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) was used in the construction of St Luke’s large hall. The hall was closed and, on inspecting the roof, structural engineers discovered that one panel was of risk of shear failure. The panel was propped on 1 December and the large hall reopened.
There are 55 other roof panels, of which 6 may need propping in late summer 2025. Over time further deterioration will occur and a permanent solution for the whole roof is needed. Each time a panel is propped the amount of available floor space reduces, until a point is reached when the hall becomes unusable. In any case we have been advised that propping should only be considered a temporary measure.
What is the Solution?
During autumn 2023, our architect and structural engineers suggested different three main options for permanently fixing the large hall roof; replacement of the existing flat roof with a pitch roof, like-for-like replacement of the flat roof (but without RAAC) and installing an ‘under-roof’ to support the existing flat roof.
On 13 December 2023, the PCC decided that the ‘under-roof’ option was preferred and asked the structural engineers to prepare a full specification.
Copies of the specification and drawing can be seen at St Luke’s Church
Project Progress
The PCC is keen to completing the under-roof as soon as possible. Three strands of work are progressing well.
- The Morton Partnership, structural engineers, have been appointed to seek competitive bids from building contractors for the installation of an ‘under-roof’. We have appointed a building contractor, who will start work once we have raised the necessary funds.
- The faculty process for gaining the necessary permission for this work has been granted (April 2024). The documentation (Petition for Faculty), which was supported by the Diocesan Advisory Committee, was on public display for 28 days before the faculty was granted. (see Petition for Faculty – Form 3A – on display in St Luke’s Church)
- A local fundraising programme has been prepared and a variety of activities are planned. These started on 9 February 2024 with a Community Concert, followed by the Smartie Fill-a-Tube Challenge, which kicked off on 13 February.
Please Help
Finance is the biggest challenge we face with this project. The under-roof is expected to cost about £90,000, of which we need to raise around £70,000 from grants and local fundraising.
You can help by:
- Making a donation to the Roof Fund*.
- Maximise the value of your donation by helping us to claim Gift Aid, (where appropriate).
- Pledging a financial gift in the future.
- Joining in enthusiastically with fundraising activities.
- Asking friends, family members and neighbours to fundraising events and activities.
- Suggesting and/or running fundraising events.
*St Luke’s Church is fundraising to permanently repair the large hall roof. If for any reason we are unable to proceed, or if there is a surplus on completion of the project, funds raised will be used for the repair, maintenance, or development of our buildings.
What We’ve Done So Far
- Smartie Challenge
- Afternoon Cream Team
- Community Concerts
- Table Top Sale
- Roof Panel Appeal
- Quiz Night
Coming Up in the Next Few Months
- American Line Dancing Masterclass – Sunday 2 February, 3pm prompt start
- Pudding Evening – Friday 7 February 2025, from 7.30pm
- Table Top Sale – Saturday 1 March 2025, 11am-2pm
Watch this space for further events and more details…
Pattern of Worship
Sunday Morning Services at 10am
There are craft activities for children during our services, which are mainly unsupervised. Refreshments will be served afterwards, providing a time to chat and catch up with each other.
First and Third Sunday of the Month: Morning Worship
This is a more informal service with prayer, discussion and music, there may be a short reflection, a meditation or a Bible study.
Second and Fourth Sunday of the Month: Holy Communion
This is a service with hymns, using Common Worship liturgy and with a sermon.
Fifth Sunday of the Month: Keep a lookout for details in our Newsletter and on the Calendar page
Sunday Afternoon Services at 4pm
On the fifth Sunday of the month we join with other churches across South West Chelmsford for an afternoon service together
These services, which rotate around the churches, start at 4.30pm with tea and cake beforehand from 4pm
We are a Fairtrade Church
St Luke’s is now a registered Fairtrade Place of Worship and our commitment is to:
- Use Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and in all meetings for which we have responsibility
- Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as biscuits
- Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities whenever possible

Edward Bear
Wednesdays during Term Time, 1.15-2.30pm

Book of Remembrance
When someone we love dies, we look for ways to remember and acknowledge them, a memorial book can be a wonderful way of achieving that. Writing their name in the memorial book ensures a public and permanent record and enables an annual commemoration on their anniversary of death.
We have a memorial book at St Luke’s; it is located in our prayer corner where there is also the opportunity to light a candle and/or request prayer from our ministry team. The book is kept on the current date so that family and friends may come in and view on the anniversary. You can view another date on request and if you would like someone to talk or pray with you when you visit that can be arranged.
The book is open to memorials to people within the parish of Moulsham Lodge and Tile Kiln as well as to anyone with a connection to St Luke’s. There is a charge of £16, which covers the calligraphy.
If you would like a loved one remembered in this way, please let us know by emailing us using the button below:
Alternatively, you can write to us at – St Luke’s Church, Gloucester Avenue, Chelmsford, CM2 9DT with the following information:
- Your name and contact details (address/email/phone)
- Full name of the person to be remembered
- Date of death (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Confirm method of payment (£16 charge to be paid either by cheque payable to St Luke’s Church or by bank transfer to: Sort Code: 20-19-95; Account Number: 00809799)
Book of Remembrance
When someone we love dies, we look for ways to remember and acknowledge them, a memorial book can be a wonderful way of achieving that. Writing their name in the memorial book ensures a public and permanent record and enables an annual commemoration on their anniversary of death.
We have a memorial book at St Luke’s; it is located in our prayer corner where there is also the opportunity to light a candle and/or request prayer from our ministry team. The book is kept on the current date so that family and friends may come in and view on the anniversary. You can view another date on request and if you would like someone to talk or pray with you when you visit that can be arranged.
The book is open to memorials to people within the parish of Moulsham Lodge and Tile Kiln as well as to anyone with a connection to St Luke’s. There is a charge of £16, which covers the calligraphy.
Alternatively, you can write to us at – St Luke’s Church, Gloucester Avenue, Chelmsford, CM2 9DT with the following information:
- Your name and contact details (address/email/phone)
- Full name of the person to be remembered
- Date of death (DD/MM/YYYY)
- Confirm method of payment (£16 charge to be paid either by cheque payable to St Luke’s Church or by bank transfer to: Sort Code: 20-19-95; Account Number: 00809799)
Online Giving
Across the nation, indeed across the world, people and organisations have suffered financially because of the Covid-19 pandemic; St. Luke’s Church amongst them. We are working hard to protect our financial future.
We want our building – the church and the halls – to continue to be at the centre of our community, as a resource for so many groups and clubs, for the young and not so young. We want to be able to continue to provide services and prayer as well as offering pastoral care to people who are struggling spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Some of you are already regularly supporting the work of the church and we are so grateful to you. If you feel that you could support St. Luke’s financially, please consider making an online donation – and gift aiding your donation if you are a taxpayer. If you feel able to give a regular monthly donation, please contact us by phone or email.
Your donation will help steer us through this difficult time and ensure that St. Luke’s is here to live out the vision to ‘Love, Grow and Serve’ for many years to come.
A Prayer for Palestine and Israel
O God of all justice and peace, we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths – Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land. While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call to you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children – for to all of us you are our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name we pray.
Follow Us on Facebook
Have you checked out our Facebook page yet? It’s developing all the time and is a great way to keep up to date with news, photos, events, or to stay in touch. Please visit, like and share our page and help us reach as many people as we can.
We would love for you to join us on Facebook on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month when our Holy Communion service will be live streamed from our church.
Church of England Digital Charter
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has launched the Church of England’s Digital Charter. The charter aims to help make social media and the web more widely positive places for conversation to happen.
Here at St. Luke’s we’ve signed up! Will you?
Children, Young People & Adult Safeguarding
We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse, and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding. Please click here for the Church of England’s Safeguarding Policies.
Our Safeguarding Officer is:
- Sue Davies 07708 296804
- Or email
The Chelmsford Diocese Safeguarding Team can be contacted on 01245 294444 or
Social Services Contact numbers:
- Adult Social Services 0345 603 7630
- Children’s Social Services 0345 603 7627
- Out of hours for both 0345 606 1212
In a safeguarding emergency dial 999.