All are welcome at our services.
Our church is home to regular Sunday congregations and holds special services at Advent and Christmas, Lent, Holy Week and Easter and at other times throughout the year. At different times of the year the character of church services changes; the great celebrations of Christmas and Easter have a festive feel, while during Advent and Lent the mood is more reflective.
Our main service of the week is held on Sundays, children and young people are welcome and toys/activities are available throughout. After the service we serve tea and coffee in the rear of the church, offering a chance to get to know each other better and to welcome newcomers.
One-to-One Prayer
If you would like someone to pray for you about a specific issue or for healing, Revd Suzanne or one of the Ministry Team will be happy to sit with you after the service.
Our Regular Services
Holy Communion
Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist, is a service where:
- We gather as the church, the body of Christ
- We listen to God’s word
- We give thanks over bread and wine for all that Jesus has done and continues to do for us and remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples on the night before he died
- We are sent out to serve God’s word
Morning Worship
This service includes songs, prayers, bible readings and a short talk or discussion or bible study. This is a more informal service.
Weekday Prayer
This is a time during the week (Tuesdays at 2pm) when we come together to pray for about 30 minutes. This also includes a short service with a bible reading and reflection.
South West Chelmsford Churches Mission and Ministry Unit (MMU) Service
A joint service held at either St. Luke’s Church, St. Mary’s Church Widford, Church of the Holy Spirit Widford, or St. Michael’s Church Galleywood.
Sunday Service Pattern
Our Sunday services alternate as below and take place at 10am.
First and Third Sunday of the Month
Morning Worship
Second and Fourth Sunday of the Month
Holy Communion
Fifth Sunday of the Month
Keep a lookout for details in our Newsletter and on the Calendar page